DIY Garden Potting Bench

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We’ve been in our house about 3 years now and decided it was time to start a garden. Brandon has been working hard on fixing up our backyard for awhile now and it is finally starting to come together. He’s added pea gravel, garden beds and a fenced off area for the dogs. The only wood we tend to use outdoors is redwood because it holds up well in all weather conditions. I’ve been eyeing some beautiful garden potting benches and tables for awhile now but most of the designs look simple enough to build on my own. This garden potting bench design is a project that anyone can do!

At the end of this post, i’ll add a video so you can see a visual step by step on how to build this garden potting bench. I headed to Home Depot and grabbed all the Mendocino Redwood I needed. You can find this specific wood here. This wood is extremely durable for outdoors. I love looking through each piece of wood and picking out my favorite-each piece is so unique! For this specific garden potting bench I used:


2- 2×4’s @ 6 ft

6- 2×4’s @ 3 ft

4- 2×4’s @ 1.5 ft

12- 1.5.5 @ 21 inches

6- 1×5.5 @ 38.5 inches

2 inch deck screws


-Sander (only used for a light sanding, you could also use sanding sheets)

-small hinges- optional

Home Depot can cut all of the wood needed for your garden potting bench! Once you have all of your pieces, you can get started. Did I mention this can be done in an afternoon?? I love quick projects they truly give me a feeling of accomplishment :’) I would recommend pre-drilling all the holes before using your screws! First step is to put together two boxes with your 3 ft 2×4’s and your 1.5 ft 2×4’s. Here is a photo of what they should look like:

Simple! Now you’ll attach the the 6 ft. 2×4’s and the extra 3 ft. 2×4’s. This is done best with another person! I’m a visual so here is a photo of what that should look like:

This garden potting bench will be done before you know it, at this point it becomes really easy. Now you can add your top and bottom shelving pieces and your backing. You’ll use the 1×5.5’s for this. Side note: I added a little door on the top shelving area so that I could put a compost bucket in, this is totally optional.

After attaching your 1×5.5’s to the top shelf, bottom shelf and back- you should pat yourself on the back because you have your very own garden potting bench that you built all by yourself!! Isn’t it a satisfying feeling? If you want to add that secret hidden door on the top shelf, use some scrap wood to attach three of the 1×5.5’s (making a small door; see video below for example) and you’ll attach three gold hinges to that small door and your garden bench. Ho will you decorate your garden potting bench? Will you add some paint or stain? There are so many fun options to make this garden potting bench your own unique style. Mendocino Redwood is easy to use, durable and sustainable! I don’t doubt that this garden potting bench will last for years to come. You can shop for Mendocino Redwood at Home Depot or click this link to see what your local store has in stock!

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