DIY Faux Wood Door

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Happy Tuesday!! FINALLY sharing the DIY faux wood door :’) I’m going to keep this post short and sweet for your eyeballs sake (and because I didn’t take a lot of before and after photos lol). I have videos and more info located on my instagram (highlight saved over there as well). Feel free to ask me any questions over there 🙂

Here is a super fancy *screenshot* of the video I made showing the painting process (told ya I didn’t take very many photos). I have the basic white doors with the fake wood grain in them.

Here is the door after! I’ll explain below what I used and the process behind all this madness. I also bought a vintage door knob off amazon for $25!!!! I know..thats not super cheap for a doorknob LOL but for these ones?!?!?! Yes…yes it is cheap. They usually go for about $125…scary.

Supplies for your DIY Faux Wood Door

You’ll need:

-Yellow FLAT paint. Color depends on how dark you want your stain. Want a deep rich color stain? richer yellow (think mustard yellow…the color they call mustard yellow not like actual mustard LOL). Want a LIGHT stain color? buy a VERY LIGHT color yellow and dilute with a bit of beige or cream paint. You won’t mess it up by “choosing the wrong color” so don’t think about it too much!

-Stain of your choice (or multiple stains). I used early american and rustic beige min wax stains mixed. 50/50.

-White wash (any brand works. you don’t have to do this step, but I like the vintage effect it gives). There are more close ups on instagram!

-Paint brushes (I recommend NOT using chip brushes. Those are the cheap $1 brushes and you will spend time picking out little brush hairs off the door…because thats what I did).

-Polycrylic WATER BASED. You can choose whatever sheen you prefer, I like a matte finish.

-Old T shirts cut up to use as rags to wipe stain…or other cloths that won’t leave little fibers all over your door!

-New door knob and hardware if needed.

Now…how to paint that DIY Faux Wood Door

So how do you paint a door to look like faux wood??? Easy peasy. Work with one side at a time. Paint the entire door with your yellow paint (or mixed yellow). Paint with the grain so you don’t get a bunch of extra brush strokes going all kinds of crazy ways! Let that paint dry completely. Once your paint is dry, you can start adding your stain. Again, brush the stain on with the wood grain. I found that I needed to let the stain sit on the door for about 20-30 minutes and then wipe it off. It will feel tacky! Don’t worry…we’ll fix that. Now that you’ve added stain and wiped all of the excess off, you can add your white wash if desired. Go easy with the white wash and just brush a bit on at a time, wiping as you go. Some brands of white wash look almost exactly like white paint so you’ll need VERY LITTLE. Turn your door around and get to work on the other side doing the same process! Once you have your desired look, go in with your polycrylic. This will dry out that tacky stain feeling and give your door protection from the paint scratching off. One coat will suffice but you can always let the first coat dry and then add a second for extra protection. That is it! Add your new hardware and put your door back on-voila! Looks like a whole new door!

Apologies for the lack of photos, it has been a CRAZY week over here. Plenty of video content over on the instagram and again feel free to ask me any questions you have 🙂